Holly Kincannon of Kincannon Studios presented two schematic design options for our Oklahoma Capitol Project to the Oklahoma Capitol Preservation Commission at their August 16, 2018 meeting. Several members of the Oklahoma Capitol Project Advisory Committee were also in attendance, along with MyBillofRights.org* Executive Director Chris Bliss.
After the presentations, the Commission voted unanimously to form a sub-committee under the leadership of Duane Mass, Architect of the Capitol and a CPC member, to review both options and make a recommendation to the full commission at their October 18th meeting.
Both options were developed by Kincannon Studios, who were commissioned this April to deliver two distinct approaches for the site near the Capitol’s east entrance that was granted by the CPC in late 2017.
Schematic design is the first phase of architectural design, wherein a set of schematic drawings and diagrams are prepared that give a general view of the concept, materials and scale of the project.